Thursday 27 August 2009

Disability Sunday October 4th 2009

Close-up of lady using Giant Print hymn book at a serviceChurch presents challenges for people with sight loss

Are disabled people fully involved in the life of your church?

If the answer is "No" or "Not as much we would like", why not make a start by holding a Disability Sunday service on or near Sunday October 4th 2009?

Churches are encouraged to hold a Disability Sunday service with the following objectives:

  • Demonstrate that God responds to and uses disability in many different ways
  • Show disabled people that God cares about them and their needs
  • Raise awareness of disability and the needs of disabled people
  • Give people affected by disability a voice

Torch Trust have produced a free Disability Sunday pack which contains a range of material to help you hold a service including:

  • a five minute DVD which graphically demonstrates the difficulties faced by people with sight loss in the church context;
  • a creative service outline;
  • Ideas for local publicity including a draft press release for the
    local media and a poster;
  • Sermon ideas;
  • and an outline children's talk.

To obtain your copy contact David Palmer or Carol Nokes by phone on 01858 438260 or e-mail David Palmer

If you do plan to hold a service as a result of reading this, please let us know with a quick e-mail. Thanks

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